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Update Short URL


To update a Short URL, it is necessary to make a PUT request to the SHORT URL API endpoint with the "masked_url_id"

The version_datestamp needs to be same as the "time_last_updated" which is available in the retrieve details API response

Production Endpoint URL:$masked_url_id

Methods: PUT

HTTP Headers

AuthenticationYType: Bearer
Token: JWT Token
Content-TypeYapplication/json; charset=UTF-8

Request Body Schema: application/json

version_datestampYTime Last Updated as reflected in the Short URL Details
masked_urlYThe details to be updated, at least one field should be updated
┗nameOptionalUpdated name
┗descriptionOptionalUpdated short description for the Short URL
┗valid_until_dateOptionalValid until date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" e.g.., "2024-06-15 13:21:45""

Default: 3 days
Minimum: 5 mins
Maximum: 30 days

Sample Request

"version_datestamp" : "2024-05-27 05:48:21",
"masked_url": {
"name": "OSSI",
"description": "OSSI",
"valid_until_date": "2024-05-30 18:00:00"


If successful, the API call will return an HTTP 200 OK with a JSON document as a response. Please see section “Error Codes" for a description of the failure responses.