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Errors Codes

In the event of receiving an HTTP 40x response from a Short URL API request, the response body will contain a JSON document showing a response code and human readable error string.

"result_code": "100",
"result_message": "Un-parsable Request Document",
"client_reference": "...if provided during original request...",

Result Code List

Result CodeShould RetryResult Message
-4NoUnsupported Media Type
-3NoNot Acceptable
-2NoHTTP method not allowed
-1YesThere has been an internal error!
2NoAuthentication Failure
100NoUn-Parsable Request Document – The JSON request document supplied was not correctly formed
101NoThe request was missing a required remote_url field
102NoThe request contained a badly formed URL in remote_url field
103NoThe new masked url does not include a valid account id for required credentials
104NoThat combination of query parameters is not possible
106NoCannot add a short-url enterprise config for this enterprise/entity/year/month - it already exists
107NoYou already have the maximum number of currently active short-urls active on this account
108NoThe valid_until_date value is too far in the future
109NoThe valid_until_date value must be in the future
110NoThe valid_until_date value is not far enough in the future
404NoNot found
412NoStale update entity

Note: First four result codes have Negative values