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Errors / Rejections of Submit SMS API Request

In the event of receiving an HTTP 40x response from a submit SMS API request, the response body will contain a JSON document showing a response code and human readable error string.

"result_code": "100",
"result_message": "Un-parsable Request Document",
"client_reference": "...if provided during original request...",

Result Code List

Result CodeShould RetryResult Message
-4NoUnsupported Media Type
-3NoNot Acceptable
-2NoHTTP method not allowed
-1YesThere has been an internal error!
0NoMessage successfully submitted
1YesThrottled - submit rate exceeded - please re-submit
2NoAuthentication Failure
99YesTimeout submitting message - aborted
100NoUn-Parsable Request Document – The JSON request document supplied was not correctly formed.
101NoMissing or invalid From Address
102NoMissing or invalid DestinationAddress
103NoMissing or invalid message_type value
104NoMessage text too long
105NoInvalid validity period – the value supplied in the validity_period element is invalid, or there was an invalid combination of fields.
106NoInvalid message_class value specified
107NoInvalid message_waiting_indicator value specified
108NoInvalid delivery receipt URL specified in delivery_receipts element
110NoThe api key you used does not have an API CHANNEL of HTTP
111NoNon Whitelisted Destination - The destination address does not appear in your accounts permitted destinations list
112NoYou attempted to perform an action that is not enabled on your account
113NoBlacklisted Destination - The destination address has been blacklisted
114NoThe request contained a custom_callback_url field in the delivery_receipts element that was too long, the maximum allowesd is 250 characters
200NoMessage Destination Unroutable – The message could not be delivered as there was no available route for this destination.
201YesSubmission Failed – Internal Error – The message submission failed due to an error in the service. This is a temporary condition.
202NoMessage Dropped due to routing rule – A routing decision for this message decided that the message should not be delivered to the network.
203NoMessage Dropped due to anti-spam rules – The anti-fraud / anti-spam engine within the service identified this message as spam and it was dropped.
204NoMessage Undeliverable – The message could not be delivered due to a network failure.
404NoNot Found

Note: First four result codes have Negative values