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Cancel Session


To cancel a session if it is no longer needed. This will prevent any further messages from being sent for that request_id. Any in-progress workflow steps will be cancelled.

Production Endpoint URL:$request_id

Methods: POST

HTTP Headers

AuthenticationYType: Bearer
Token: JWT Token
Content-TypeYapplication/json; charset=UTF-8

Request Body Schema: application/json

request_idYThis is the request_id returned by platform when a new PIN is requested for


If successful, the API call will return an HTTP 200 OK with a Json document as a response. Please see section "Errors Codes" for a description of the failure responses.

successThis describes the outcome of the session and will return true when PIN was sent correctly, PIN was validated correctly etc., and it will return false when PIN was invalid or incorrect etc. or the session was cancelled.
result_codeRefer Result Code List
result_messageDescription of the result code
client_referenceClient reference is returned only when specified in request.
request_idThe request_id provided in the request is returned for reference

Sample Response

"success" : false,
"result_code" : 215,
"result_message" : "The requested session has been cancelled",
"client_reference": "...if provided during original request...",
"request_id" : "...the request_id provided in the request is returned for reference..."