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Errors Codes

In the event of receiving an HTTP 40x response from a Confirm API request, the response body will contain a JSON document showing a response code and human readable error string.

"result_code": "100",
"result_message": "Un-parsable Request Document",
"client_reference": "...if provided during original request...",

Result Code List

Result CodeShould RetryResult Message
-4NoUnsupported Media Type
-3NoNot Acceptable
-2NoHTTP method not allowed
-1YesThere has been an internal error!
0NoMessage successfully submitted
1YesThrottled - submit rate exceeded - please re-submit
2NoAuthentication Failure
99YesTimeout submitting message - aborted
101NoMissing or invalid From Address
102NoMissing or invalid DestinationAddress
106NoThe request was missing an outcome_url element
107NoThe outcome_url element contained a badly formed URL
108NoThe request was missing a ‘how_many_digita’ element inside collect_digits
109NoThe how_many_digits element contained an invalid number
110YesThe request did not specify a language
111YesThe request specified an un-recognized or unsupported language
112YesThe workflow requested does not exist or is not available for use
113YesThe pin-length requested was outside of the permitted range
114YesThe custom message text requested was longer than the permitted range
115YesThe custom message text requested did not include a ${pin} placeholder
116NoThe request specified an un-recognized or unsupported charge profile
200NoThe request could not be handled as there is no route for that destination
201YesThe request submission failed due to unexpected internal error
202NoThe request was dropped due to routing rule
203NoThe request was dropped as it was identified as spam
204YesThe request could not be accepted due to a network failure
210NoThe submitted PIN code was not of the correct format
211NoThe submitted PIN was not the expected PIN for this request
212NoThe requested session was not expecting a PIN
213NoThe submitted PIN was not the expected PIN for this request and this now exceeds the maximum allowed number of incorrect attempts
214NoThe requested session is no longer active
215NoThe requested session has been cancelled
216NoThe maximum number of resend PIN requests has been exceeded
299NoThe requested operation was not permitted on this account

Note: First four result codes have Negative values