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Request PIN/OTP (One-Time Password)


To request for a PIN/OTP (one-time password), it is necessary to make a POST request to the Confirm API endpoint.

Production Endpoint URL:

Methods: POST

HTTP Headers

AuthenticationYType: Bearer
Token: JWT Token
Content-TypeYapplication/json; charset=UTF-8

Request Body Schema: application/json

toYThe destination phone number should be in the format: Country Code + Mobile Number (MSISDN)
  • DO NOT prefix "+” or "0”
  • Example: Japanese Mobile Number 070-9830-2393 should be formatted "817098302393”
languageYSee section Supported Languages


ENGLISH: en_GB or en_gb

JAPANESE: ja_JP or ja_jp
outcome_urlYThis is the callback URL which will be used in the future. Pass any dummy value.
fromConditionalThis can be either a Sender ID or Number depending on requirement and configuration.[This value should be specified if the default sender address is not whitelisted.]

Sender addresses must be registered with the operators. Please ask your account manager to register your sender addresses. SMS will not reach the subscribers handset if sender addresses are not registered correctly. All correctly registered sender addresses will be shown on the user dashboard
api_keyOptionalThis is the API Key used during authentication and can be passed for reference
charge_profileOptionalThe following charging profiles are available:

PAY_PER_REQUEST: Charge a flat fee for a request, regardless of the outcome, all message costs are included in this fee.

PAY_PER_CONVERSION: Charge a flat fee for a request, but only charge if the request is successfully confirmed with a PIN, all message costs are included in this fee.

PAY_FOR_MESSAGES_PLUS_SERVICE_FEE: Charge a service fee for a request, regardless of the outcome, in addition to any message fees for any calls or messages placed by this request.

PAY_FOR_MESSAGES_PLUS_CONVERSION_FEE: Charge a service fee for a request that successfully confirms with a PIN, in addition to any message fees for any calls or messages placed by this request.

customizationOptionalThe following parameters can be used to customize the PIN request
┗pin_lengthDefault: 6
Min: 3
Max: 8
┗message_textCustomized message to be sent to customer e.g., Your pin code is: ${pin}
┗workflowCurrently only SMS workflow is supported

Default: sms
metadataOptionalAdditional metadata for tracking
┗client_referenceEnterprise can send a client reference value to track the request e.g., client-ref-1
┗company_nameThe company name of the Enterprise for reference

Sample Request

"to": "81XXXXXXXXXX",
"outcome_url": "",
"language": "en_GB",
"from": "81YYYYYYYYYY",
//These are optional parameters
"customization": {
"pin_length": "8",
"message_text": "Your pin code is: ${pin}",
"workflow": "sms",
//These are optional parameters
"metadata": {
"client_reference": "client-ref-1",
"company_name": “...Company ABC...",


If successful, the API call will return an HTTP 200 OK with a JSON document as a response. Please see section "Errors/Rejections of Submit SMS API Request" for a description of the failure responses.

result_codeRefer Result Code List
result_messageDescription of the result code
client_referenceClient reference is returned only when specified in request. Information on attaching "client reference" can be found under "Additional/Advanced Options".
request_idAuto-generated Id

Sample Response

"success": true,
"result_code" : 0,
"result_message" : "Request successfully submitted",
"request_id" : " id...",
"client_reference": "...if provided during original request..."