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Delivery Receipts Status Values

Status Values List

StatusFinal StateDescription
DELIVRDYesMessage successfully delivered
EXPIREDYesDelivery failed and the network will no longer retry
DELETEDYesThe delivery of this message was aborted at some point in the network
UNDELIVYesThe message was aborted within the network as it could not be delivered for some reason.
REJECTDYesThe message was rejected before submitting to the network because it did not meet suitable criteria for delivery.
ENROUTENoMessage has been accepted by the next hop in the network, but it has not yet been delivered to the handset.
UNKNOWNYesMessage delivery outcome is unknown, an unsupported event was received from the network.
SUBMITTEDNoMessage has been accepted and acknowledged by the next hop on the network, but we have not yet received a status value for it.
ACCEPTDNoMessage has been accepted by the next hop in the network, but it has not yet been delivered to the handset.